Monday, August 9, 2010

Thanksgiving wishes and prayers 2009

Forwarded conversation

From: Rosemary Ruiz
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:13 AM

            I pray that God will continue to bless you both.

            With love,

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 5:13 PM
To: Rosemary Ruiz

Thank You Rosemary!
This was Thanksgiving EVER!!  My best...VERY BEST in my entire Life!!
We slept in our van both WED night and last night!!!
We are So Blessed... to live as Jesus did!
HE had no place to lay HIS HOLY head...  and every where HE went healing the sick...preaching the GOSPEL...the GOOD NEWS..
HE was cast out of every town!
Who are we that we to have more than HE did...though we do!
We at least have our van to shield us from the cold!
Jesus must have laid HIS head against grass or stone...  HE had nothing to shelter HIM from storms...  HE Spoke to storms and stopped them!
And we are called to do the same!  Issaih 55 tells us "As rain falls from the heavens and returns there no more but waters the earth giving seed to the sower and bread to every eater...  SO SHALL HIS WORDS BE SPOKEN FROM OUR MOUTHS...They will NOT RETURN TO HIM or to YOU or I void...but THEY WILL ACCOMPLISH  THAT FOR WHICH YOU OR I SENT IT!
We have never done anything on our own... but by GOD's instruction!
HE summons us ... asked us to leave all behind if I but call your name...will you let the blinded see....doing it all because & for me...will you kiss the leper clean and never be the same...!
We were in Hotel Concord and had paid for a month...but once again GOD told us to get out "Hurridly...this is My Passover and Yours!"
GOD asked my Billy after Mass on Thanksgiving Morn...ST James...yesterday during Communion "Can you wait a few more days?"  and GOD has promised to open the Heavens in a few Days!
GOD expects us to suffer everything Our Lord Jesus did...short of being crucified!  Before HE does some shaking up around!
Why do you think GOD said HE will use the poor to shame the rich...the weak to shame the strong & the stupid,retarded,foolish,dumb, demented...the lepers of the world....the mentally shake the mighty wise from their thrones??
The answer is very deep...most pastors would quickly speak the next line in scripture...
so no man can boast before GOD!
Though no man can boast before GOD,that is not the answer!
It is for this reason that both my Billy and me were born!
I know what GOD do...through me...but I have not been told or shown yet in visions all the details.
HE never gives us tomorrows bread today!  HE tells us what we need when we need it!
I feel  like Jesus felt in the picture of Our Lady of Prepeptual Help that hangs in our church!
HE was afraid...being HUMAN & GOD  HE knew HE would be nailed to a cross...and in HIS childhood humanness...  JESUS who was also GOD felt afraid!!
I knew since before kindergarten...  my GOD visions...MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD...  and OHOOOOOOOO  MY GREAT BIG SUGAR DADDY THREE in ONE....
played with me....because no children wanted to even be known to like me or play with me....
During party time  My GOD buddies..Friends used to say:  "One day I will use you to bring "Prot stunts & Cat licks together"  I never understood the word "Protestant"  until I was 30 something years old!
GOD used to say at other times "Don't worry about them{Those who abused me} One day I will make them your foot stool"  ....
I am nervous though I know GOD goes before me always making safe my path before I begin to..or as I journey into where HE calls me and us!
We have asked both Fr Joe Dionne...  and today Billy asked Fr Vang...  the new one if we could sleep in the church.
It was All Souls Day...the same evening when I showed late at CHRP meeting GOD during Communion told me "ASK FR JOE TO SLEEP IN THE CHURCH...  HE WILL SAY NO!"   BUT YOU ARE TO SAY 'Well There Was No Room For ME in the INN!"
GOD has told me to ask things of many and to expect to hear "NO"   HE expects me/us to be obedient....  This is so that HE can test them!  So that HE can hold them accountable!
JESUS will be here quickly as a thief in the night! 
And all these who have said NO and lacked compassion and are giving only excuses....need to be on guard...  when HE comes and "takes one with HIM and leaves the one next to them behind....  they will be those left to grind their teeth.
Even the Holiest priests will miss the rapture says the scripture!
We will be sleeping in our van again tonight...  GOD placed an 18 wheeler in the WalMart parking lot to shield us.  Even hid us with fog....  and because both the night before Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving night parents camp out in parking lots...  to be sure to get the exact toy...GPS, Ipod...or whatever...
Police and others thought nothing of us there!   GOD makes HIS way for us  because we are walking in both love & sacrifice and obedience to HIM!
You have my   We are using Diversity Den's Internet now!
A Baptist Church yesterday took wonderful care of us!
Yesterday at ST James there were many who saw us and gave excuses as to why they could not have us to their home for dinner!
GOD told me it will be colder tonight!
We are so blessed to live so close to Our Lord! But with this blessing comes greater responsibility...  GOD will require things of me Billy does not understand and will fight!   He has raised his back several times already!  Because he does not have the same spiritual gifts I do! 
I had a close call earlier...  Pray for me that I not buckle under my husbands pressure...  but OBEY GOD!
So much is at stake not just for us but for all!  HIS coming back will be postponed if I mess up again!  PRAY FOR ME!!!!
We have a PO BOX>
PO BOX 6235

Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:05 PM

unable to write all individual letters.. time running out on this library computer.. Time is running out for all of us  HIS PASSOVER HAS ALREADY BEGUN...  I have seen many befall tragedy just after turning a blind eye or deaf ear to us...  Even Our pastor has seen our bed in the back of our van... and after preaching about loving the unlovable... 
And announcing that our parish will take part staffing homeless shelters...
After Mass he runs past us with his back to us..
Even theologians will miss the rap5ture...
Turning blind eye and deaf ear to any of HIS little ones in need...
Billy & I ask you to join us in earnestly praying for these who are too busy to feed a hungry one, shelter an abandon one...  give cool ..not hot or tepid water to the thirsty or dying..
but most of all COVER EACH ONE WITH THE LOVE THAT ENDURES FOREVER & BRINGS the PEACE Which Surpasses all understanding!
It is the will of Almighty GOD my Sugar Daddy.. that not one be lost!!  Not one...  but there wiil be....  some will be left to wail and grind...  ..  The Swine Flu Hummmm


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