Monday, August 9, 2010

Fwd: What's the story

Forwarded conversation
Subject: What's the story

From: Y Delacy/Stevens
Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 10:56 AM
To: Stephie Gustavson

Are you homeless ? ! ?     I told a few gals in the women's guild - we have to do
 something about this situation . Didn't you sell your house in Charlotte ?
  Why aren't you at the Concord hotel ? What about that single-wide I  mentioned on
Concord Farms rd  (it's blue & 4 rent) ? The same st as ' Affordable housing ' .
 Let me know what's going on - - - - I have not been wking lately  .
                                Hope everything is O.K .       . . . . -  Y .

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Dec

Hi Yvonne.... and Friends,
The house was not sold!  It had no resale value....  absolutely not salable.  It was next door to drug dealers....  not even black folk want homes in Hidden Valley unless they themselves are criminals....
House was on market for almost a year.
God asked us just as in the song the Summons ... Will you leave all behind if I but call your name?  Will you let the blinded see and kiss the leper clean.... do it al for me & never be the same??
We said yes Lord we will short sell the house... leave all behind... for you...
Remember, my husband has a call on his life to teach the prisoners.  He has a program he is going to bring state to state. 
Billy then realized to short sell your house you must have your own buyer.  He almost begun to cry... but I took his hand and I prayed for both of us.. "LORD wE ARE WILLING BUT NOT ABLE... But YOU LORD are Willing and Able to do all things... SO MAKE IT Happen!"
The next day we had an appointment already scheduled with an attorney for an unrelated matter.   We had someone trying to collect a debt from us that was not ours.
We wrote letters of compromise to try to pay them off amicably.  But instead of writing us back and trying to work with us, they filed law suit against us.
When we entered attorneys office the next day, when his eyes met mine an anointing of our Lord came over me and the attorney who was baby faced , looked as if he had never yet needed to shave!  And was an age that he could have been my son easily.
Bill & I did not play games.  Bill told him up front our house was for sale.  He asked "Where is this house?
Billy replied: "North Charlotte!"  But God had been dealing with me to about having been in past obeying Bill instead of GOD!  He also asked how much we had into it.
So I boldly said: "Tell the whole truth!  It is HIDDEN VALLEY!  I explained the story which you and most of the women know already.... DOUBLE Hurricane victims, Bill's tumor, We bought our own locks that he could get healthy!
The attorney a very compassionate and GOD fearing man...who had commented on my HolySpirit TShirt already as we entered....  said:  "Instead of having me go after these thugs the way I normally do why don't you let me file a bankruptcy for you place the debts that are yours and those that are fraudulent, your house into it also! 
And walk away!"
Praise GOD!  That was GOD!!!  But when GOD releases us from bondage.... our Egypt, HE always brings us through a desert!
So the $5-6,000. dollars that we had paid into it, was what it cost for my Billy to get physically healthy!
Had we been renting those two and a half years, we would have paid out far much more in rents, and no different than now in these hotels, and on Waterford lakes where maintenance men were illegally entering after me sexually

So we live on our van now for my Billy is the only one with a key...  I do not even have a key... I can't drive...  I have only a click click to get in and out...


Fwd: When things aren't going your way

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Micki OConnor
Date: Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:56 PM
Subject: FW: When things aren't going your way

Hi ladies, I hope you're all getting through this bleary, rainy day. 

I wanted to share this with all of you, I really loved this story. 

Hope you all have a great day.







 Three Trees

Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods.

They were discussing their hopes and dreams when

The first tree said, 'Someday I hope to be a great

Treasure  chest.  I could be filled with gold, silver

And precious gems. I could be decorated with an

Intricate carving and everyone would see the beauty.'

Then the second tree said, 'Someday I will be a

Mighty ship. I will take Kings and  Queens  across the

Waters and sail to the corners of the world. People

Will feel safe in me because of the strength of my


Finally the third tree said, 'I want to grow to be

The tallest and straightest Tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill, look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me.'

After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees.

When one came to the first tree he said, 'This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter, and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy, because he knew the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.

At the second tree the woodsman said, 'This looks like a strong tree.  I will be able to sell it to the shipyard.'

The second tree was happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship.

When the woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down his dreams would not come true.  One of the men said,'I don't need anything special from my tree, I'll take this one,' and he cut it down.

When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for.

The second tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat.  His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying Kings had come to an end.

The third tree was cut into large pieces, and left alone in the dark.

The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams.

Then one day, a man and woman came to the barn. She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do.  The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.

Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree.  One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and he stood and said 'Peace' and the storm stopped.  At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.

Finally, someone came and got the third tree.   It was carried through the streets as the people mocked the man who was carrying it. When they came to a stop, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill. When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong  enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as was possible, because Jesus had been crucified on it.

The moral of this story is that when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, God will give you great gifts.

Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had imagined.

We don't always know what God's plans are for us. We just know that His Ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best.

Please keep this moving....... Pass it on, so God may inspire more people on the way.

May your day be blessed. And until we meet again, may God cradle you in the palm of His hand








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Thanksgiving wishes and prayers 2009

Forwarded conversation

From: Rosemary Ruiz
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:13 AM

            I pray that God will continue to bless you both.

            With love,

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 5:13 PM
To: Rosemary Ruiz

Thank You Rosemary!
This was Thanksgiving EVER!!  My best...VERY BEST in my entire Life!!
We slept in our van both WED night and last night!!!
We are So Blessed... to live as Jesus did!
HE had no place to lay HIS HOLY head...  and every where HE went healing the sick...preaching the GOSPEL...the GOOD NEWS..
HE was cast out of every town!
Who are we that we to have more than HE did...though we do!
We at least have our van to shield us from the cold!
Jesus must have laid HIS head against grass or stone...  HE had nothing to shelter HIM from storms...  HE Spoke to storms and stopped them!
And we are called to do the same!  Issaih 55 tells us "As rain falls from the heavens and returns there no more but waters the earth giving seed to the sower and bread to every eater...  SO SHALL HIS WORDS BE SPOKEN FROM OUR MOUTHS...They will NOT RETURN TO HIM or to YOU or I void...but THEY WILL ACCOMPLISH  THAT FOR WHICH YOU OR I SENT IT!
We have never done anything on our own... but by GOD's instruction!
HE summons us ... asked us to leave all behind if I but call your name...will you let the blinded see....doing it all because & for me...will you kiss the leper clean and never be the same...!
We were in Hotel Concord and had paid for a month...but once again GOD told us to get out "Hurridly...this is My Passover and Yours!"
GOD asked my Billy after Mass on Thanksgiving Morn...ST James...yesterday during Communion "Can you wait a few more days?"  and GOD has promised to open the Heavens in a few Days!
GOD expects us to suffer everything Our Lord Jesus did...short of being crucified!  Before HE does some shaking up around!
Why do you think GOD said HE will use the poor to shame the rich...the weak to shame the strong & the stupid,retarded,foolish,dumb, demented...the lepers of the world....the mentally shake the mighty wise from their thrones??
The answer is very deep...most pastors would quickly speak the next line in scripture...
so no man can boast before GOD!
Though no man can boast before GOD,that is not the answer!
It is for this reason that both my Billy and me were born!
I know what GOD do...through me...but I have not been told or shown yet in visions all the details.
HE never gives us tomorrows bread today!  HE tells us what we need when we need it!
I feel  like Jesus felt in the picture of Our Lady of Prepeptual Help that hangs in our church!
HE was afraid...being HUMAN & GOD  HE knew HE would be nailed to a cross...and in HIS childhood humanness...  JESUS who was also GOD felt afraid!!
I knew since before kindergarten...  my GOD visions...MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD...  and OHOOOOOOOO  MY GREAT BIG SUGAR DADDY THREE in ONE....
played with me....because no children wanted to even be known to like me or play with me....
During party time  My GOD buddies..Friends used to say:  "One day I will use you to bring "Prot stunts & Cat licks together"  I never understood the word "Protestant"  until I was 30 something years old!
GOD used to say at other times "Don't worry about them{Those who abused me} One day I will make them your foot stool"  ....
I am nervous though I know GOD goes before me always making safe my path before I begin to..or as I journey into where HE calls me and us!
We have asked both Fr Joe Dionne...  and today Billy asked Fr Vang...  the new one if we could sleep in the church.
It was All Souls Day...the same evening when I showed late at CHRP meeting GOD during Communion told me "ASK FR JOE TO SLEEP IN THE CHURCH...  HE WILL SAY NO!"   BUT YOU ARE TO SAY 'Well There Was No Room For ME in the INN!"
GOD has told me to ask things of many and to expect to hear "NO"   HE expects me/us to be obedient....  This is so that HE can test them!  So that HE can hold them accountable!
JESUS will be here quickly as a thief in the night! 
And all these who have said NO and lacked compassion and are giving only excuses....need to be on guard...  when HE comes and "takes one with HIM and leaves the one next to them behind....  they will be those left to grind their teeth.
Even the Holiest priests will miss the rapture says the scripture!
We will be sleeping in our van again tonight...  GOD placed an 18 wheeler in the WalMart parking lot to shield us.  Even hid us with fog....  and because both the night before Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving night parents camp out in parking lots...  to be sure to get the exact toy...GPS, Ipod...or whatever...
Police and others thought nothing of us there!   GOD makes HIS way for us  because we are walking in both love & sacrifice and obedience to HIM!
You have my   We are using Diversity Den's Internet now!
A Baptist Church yesterday took wonderful care of us!
Yesterday at ST James there were many who saw us and gave excuses as to why they could not have us to their home for dinner!
GOD told me it will be colder tonight!
We are so blessed to live so close to Our Lord! But with this blessing comes greater responsibility...  GOD will require things of me Billy does not understand and will fight!   He has raised his back several times already!  Because he does not have the same spiritual gifts I do! 
I had a close call earlier...  Pray for me that I not buckle under my husbands pressure...  but OBEY GOD!
So much is at stake not just for us but for all!  HIS coming back will be postponed if I mess up again!  PRAY FOR ME!!!!
We have a PO BOX>
PO BOX 6235

Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:05 PM

unable to write all individual letters.. time running out on this library computer.. Time is running out for all of us  HIS PASSOVER HAS ALREADY BEGUN...  I have seen many befall tragedy just after turning a blind eye or deaf ear to us...  Even Our pastor has seen our bed in the back of our van... and after preaching about loving the unlovable... 
And announcing that our parish will take part staffing homeless shelters...
After Mass he runs past us with his back to us..
Even theologians will miss the rap5ture...
Turning blind eye and deaf ear to any of HIS little ones in need...
Billy & I ask you to join us in earnestly praying for these who are too busy to feed a hungry one, shelter an abandon one...  give cool ..not hot or tepid water to the thirsty or dying..
but most of all COVER EACH ONE WITH THE LOVE THAT ENDURES FOREVER & BRINGS the PEACE Which Surpasses all understanding!
It is the will of Almighty GOD my Sugar Daddy.. that not one be lost!!  Not one...  but there wiil be....  some will be left to wail and grind...  ..  The Swine Flu Hummmm


Fwd: photos of candy dishes and art gallery crawl meeting

Forwarded conversation
Subject: photos of candy dishes and art gallery crawl meeting

Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:06 PM

Is was wonderful meeting you and your husband at the antiques shop approximately two weeks ago!   I am so sorry  that  am just getting back to you.  I just found your e-mail today.  You are an angel.  THANK YOU for taking the time out to do me such a grand favor.  You are a blessing and will be blessed forever.  The photos came out wonderfully.  I will keep the pics although my designer did not prefer them in the area we discussed.  Who knows maybe one day they will end up in a different area of my house.  It was also wonderful seeing you and your husband at the Christmas tree lighting and the art walk last week. We had a wonderful time.  Please keep in touch!
God Bless You,

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:38 PM

HI Anita,
Do not have much time left on this computer.
We are living in our van.. GOD has done so many miracles of protection and provision!
Praise HIM!!!
Our Po Box is all we have
PO BOX 6235
Concord NC 28027
Believe it our not my camera has been stolen!  So I am no longer able to include photos with my stories for a while!
The Passover of our LORD has begun!  HE Blesses those who Blesses us and curses those who curse us...  it is almost frightening!  But when one is walking both in Love & obedience of the LORD GOD and others...always forgiving and loving.... THEY ARE FEARLESS!  Because Perfect Love Casts Out ALL FEAR!!!
My time is running out... AS the TIME for all is short... One will be washing and anther pruning a vine without reverence for the sap which is within, that IS HIM ...
One HE WILL TAKE as HE Comes quickly like a thief in the night...
The other will be left behind....
Be Watchful ANITA!!!   Even Theologians will be left to grind their teeth...  because just as our own church pastor turned a blind eye and deaf ear when we asked to sleep in the church...
He said no...  but GOD told me HIMSELF that he would say no... but we were to still be obedient to GOD...  and ask..
I was then to say as I did "That's alright... There was no room for Joesph Mary & Jesus neither in the INN
Since then, our priest has seen our bed in the bed of our van, seen us clean up in powder room, but runs the other way...
Even after preaching about being sensitive to the poor, and boasting about participating in staffing homeless shelters!
This was the best Thanksgiving of my life... better than any fancy feasts...  false friends sisters or brothers...
Soon and very soon...
See we are Blessed to have the BETTER PART that is HIM... 
This makes us not better than anyone...  but MUCH MORE RESPONSIBLE!!
704-493-3956   we only answer calls we know... and return those who leave a voice message...  Sometimes the battery is dead...  we do not always have a place to charge them!!!
GOD Loves you & so do I

Fwd: love u, girl!

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Re: love u, girl!

From: Eileen Thompson
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 6:37 PM

Thanks, Nancy.  May the Lord bless us all with everything we need exactly when we need it.  Love you too.  Eileen

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Nancy Policas

If you only do what you always did then you'll only get what you always got! "

Dear God: 
 The girl reading this is beautiful,       sassy and strong, and I love her Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it isimpossible to love. 
Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, She will always be safe. 
   Love you Girl!!!! 
Now you're on the clock!!!! 
In 9 minutes something will make you happy.  
But you have to
 tell 9 sisters you love them, including me..Go!!!!  

Norma Turman

WolfePak Software

Abilene Texas 79605

(325) 677-1543 Phone

(325) 677-1599 Fax

Windows 7: I wanted simpler, now it's simpler. I'm a rock star.

From: Stephie Gustavson <>
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:32 PM
To: Eileen Thompson

MY SWEET SWEETIE PIE Girl Friend Eileen sent this to me today!  Thank you Eileen!!
Just what I needed at the time I needed it!
Billy and I are living in hotels...  No internet access there... so no one hears much from me now!
Wen GOD speaks directly to ones heat.. asking them specifically like in the song "The Summons" Will you leave all behind if I but call your name? Will you Set the Captives Free; will you kiss the lepers clean...
And never be the same??  Well that is exactly what we answered a great BIG yes to!
You Can You Can & So Can I Do All Things With Through & For HIM....
For we all are HIS Cany Can Can Girls!
>>               *If you only do what you** always d**id then you'll only

From: <>
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:32 PM

MY SWEET SWEETIE PIE Girl Friend Eileen sent this to me today!  Thank you Eileen!!
Just what I needed at the time I needed it!
Billy and I are living in hotels...  No internet access there... so no one hears much from me now!
Wen GOD speaks directly to ones heat.. asking them specifically like in the song "The Summons" Will you leave all behind if I but call your name? Will you Set the Captives Free; will you kiss the lepers clean...
And never be the same??  Well that is exactly what we answered a great BIG yes to!
You Can You Can & So Can I Do All Things With Through & For HIM....
For we all are HIS Cany Can Can Girls!

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Eileen Thompson
Thanks, Nancy.  May the Lord bless us all with everything we need exactly when we need it.  Love you too.  Eileen

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Nancy P

If you only do what you always did then you'll only get what you always got! "

Dear God: 
 The girl reading this is beautiful,       sassy and strong, and I love her Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it isimpossible to love. 
Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, She will always be safe. 
   Love you Girl!!!! 
Now you're on the clock!!!! 
In 9 minutes something will make you happy.  
But you have to
 tell 9 sisters you love them, including me..Go!!!!  

Norma Turman

WolfePak Software

Abilene Texas 79605

(325) 677-1543 Phone

(325) 677-1599 Fax

Windows 7: I wanted simpler, now it's simpler. I'm a rock star.

From: Miguel Angel Palacios <>
Date: Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:02 PM
To: Stephie Gustavson <>

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 5:32 PM

If you only do what you always did then you'll only get what you always got! "

From: Stephie Gustavson <>
Date: Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:45 PM
To: Miguel Angel Palacios <>

HI Montse!!  Thank You for your PRAYERS!!!   GOD is requiring SOOOO
MUCH OF ME and US!!!!
Another Thanksgiving just me Billy, and OUR LORD!!!!
Through out our marriage we have had many that came running when they
needed consolation, understanding etc, when hurt by others....

But we have never been considered "Good enough to share religious
feasts or holidays with!
But Jesus who was rejected who had no place to lay his sweet head....
 has become the corner stone and WE HAVE THE BETTER PART...  JESUS!

Praying you and Miguel are improving in health and vitality!!

From: Lena & Charles Sutton, Ministers of Christ <>
Date: Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:46 PM

Good to hear from you. Our prayers are with you. Keep in touch.
Lena & Charles

I am using the Free version of SPAMfighter.
We are a community of 6 million users fighting spam.
SPAMfighter has removed 601 of my spam emails to date.
The Professional version does not have this message.

Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 9:34 PM
To: Stephie Gustavson <>, catherine dziubczynski <>, Haumea Fitzgerald <>, alice harwell <>, kathy hayes <>, shelly madrid <>, karen naylor <>, Ellen Upton <>, anita <>, carey <>

Love you and, yes i needed to hear it!


Cc: "Nancy Policas" <>, "Deb Conrad" <>, "Alison Kay" <>, "Char Otto" <>, "Mickey & Chuck Brantley" <>, "Lynn Daigle" <>, "Ellen Upton" <>, "John & Lisa Hargarten" <>, "Diversity Den Cafe" <>, "Irene" <>, "Adrienne Daboval" <>, "Blonde but not Bashful FunLuvin SISTER & FRIEND ROSEMARY!" <>, "BRIGHT EYED SISTER PASCALE!" <>, "Beth Herstein" <>, "Beth Herstien" <>, "Burrell, Janice L SBYVAMC" <>,,, "Bonnie" <>, "Lena & Charles Sutton, Ministers of Christ" <>, "CORKY SLOAN" <>, "Ailsa Colbert" <>, "Stella Cahil" <>,, "Mary Ann Chopko" <>, "MICHELLE OUR GIRLY EYE FRIEND!" <>, "Our Lady of Consolation Church officeCharlotte" <>, "MY SMILEY SOUL SISTER THERESA!" <>, "OUR SWINGIN SMILIN SINGIN GUITAR GALFRIEND" <>, "Mil-Angela Torrez" <>,, "Lisa Kelly" <>, "Kris Tharpe" <>, "Katie" <>,, "Joyce" <>, "Helen Lowe" <>,, "Aunt Joan" <>, "Miguel Angel Palacios" <>, "Aida Gamolo" <>, "Annette Gauthier" <>,, "Sandra Sim" <>, "Yvonne Stevens" <>, "Andrew Moore" <>, "Linda Palko" <>, "Pamela Wauters" <>, "Paula McGoff" <>, "Bert & Paula McGoff" <>
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 8:32 PM

Fwd: Hi

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Hi

From: Miguel Angel Palacio
Date: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 12:57 PM
To: Stephie Gustavson

Dear Stephanie" I want to tell you that my phone doesn't work, my answering machine work I can receive the messages, but dint call me because I can hear nothing, I feel so bad that I dint have money to help you, I am poor person, but I hoping to wing the lottery and be able to help you and Bill, my prayers for you that you can find a place to spend the night, I wish you the best, because you are a wonderful person that deserves better, God Bless you always, Love  Montse Please tell me your phone number, because I dont have it.

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:54 PM
To: Miguel Angel Palacios

Your prayers are precious, The LORD nor I want you to feel bad..
Go onto my blogs and click follower and make my blogs known!!!
That is the greatest gift you can give us now...   send links to all you know...  I will forward things I wrote already, please forward them to all you know!!
Amen Amen!!
Thank You Montse!

Fwd: HI FR LES!!

Forwarded conversation
Subject: HI FR LES!!

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:10 PM
To: Les Schmidt

Hi Fr Les!
I am on a library computer accross the street from our hotel.  The do not have WIFI here which means I cannot go onto internet here with my own computer... so I am not able to upload my photos onto blogs etc!
But I can write on them from theirs with no photos!
Check out some of my new ones. And please click rhe comment buttons and write there instead in private email... it would be a blessing!
And on the one related to your work and Billy's with the prisons... Please click comment button and write onto the blog your perspective and what you and Bishops are doing!!
I cannot imagine that you are trying to do your work secretly, because both fear, silence and secrets are the devils best and favorite and only tools he has to place guilt onto us!
We Love You!

From: Les Schmidt
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 9:01 AM
To: Stephie Gustavson

Stephie & Bill,
Thanks for the blog updates and the CDs that will lift me on the road.  Will not have time to answer on your blog.  Fr. Les
Les Schmidt
1821 Holton Ave.
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219

From: Stephie Gustavson
To: Les Schmidt
Sent: Tue, November 24, 2009 5:10:05 PM
Subject: HI FR LES!!

We Love You!

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 7:34 PM
To: Les Schmidt

GOD Bless You Fr Les!
We have the back of our van set up as a bed.  We are again at the Diversity Den... where we ate last week and I did the stories you read about that you and I spoke of today on the phone...
Our storage area is behind this restaurant.
Last night we went to a Thanksgiving Program at the Lutheran Church which we walked to.
The program was about the seasons.... everything has its season... a season to begin... a season to end... a season to live..and to die...
Then as we were speaking....  My lady Bugs Dropped and Died!
Thanks Father for keeping those prayers flowing our way!
Not even a day has passed that my Billy and I have not prayed for your protection!
We love you Father!!
EstherStephanada & Billy-Jacob!

From: Les Schmidt
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:41 AM
To: Stephie Gustavson

Bill and Stephie,
Have a great Thanksgiving.  Fr. Les

Fwd: Hi

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Hi 
From: Miguel Angel Palacios
Date: Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 7:34 PM
To: Stephie Gustavson

Dear Stephie: our prayers always with you and Bill, we want to wish a Wonderful and Blessing Thanks Giving, I have problems with my phone, God Bless you , Montse and Miguel

From: Stephie Gustavson
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 7:35 PM
To: Miguel Angel Palacios

Thanks Montse! Thanks Miguel!
Billy & I just moved out where we were living and have set up our van back as a bed!
GOD told us to.
Remember the lady bugs in the first place I told you about...  that appeared as I spoke to you??
In the next place we just left...  when we viewed the room the night before we moved in... we actually saw many rooms and chose between them..  that night there were no lady bugs anywhere in the hotel.
But after we moved in, lady bugs came as I watched them appear!
Last night looking up at the ceiling some looked insecure... as if they were distressed!
We have been under much scrutiny there, and attack as well. 
Billy almost got us into another bad contract again on Sunday.
And while I was speaking to Fr Les on the phone...
A lady bug literally dropped dead from the cieling onto table next to me.  And still another one into my lap and more onto the bed!
I told Father as I was already in conversation with him...
Last night we went to a Thanksgiving Celebration at the Lutheran Church which we walked to from the hotel.
That program was a Musical that followed  the Seasons... Winter Spring Summer Fall....Winter and back into spring...   So I knew.. we knew our Season at 14 Union Street was coming to an end... my friend!
We are not weary but happy...  When you are always walking in obedience to the Father The Son & quickening to the inspirations of HIS Most Holy Spirit...
You can always be at Peace... the Peace which surpasses all understanding...
For HE goes before us... preparing THE WAY where there was no way before...
And those who leave all behind when HE calls their name....
Shall never have shame... but WILL BE RAISED....  EXALTED by HIM...
Those who try to save their own lives ....LOSE them...
But they who lay their lives down for their brother, sister, spouse...friend...HIM
are SAVED from all death!
The heavens will be opening soon... so watch and wait expectantly!
Tonight is your night for miracles!  Believe and receive... with only the FAITH of a grain of Mustard Seed!
Amen Amen Amen!!  and Alleluia!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fwd: Happy Thanksgiving!

Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank You Theresafor your Thanksgiving Message!
It was our best Thanksgiving EVER!!
My best in my entire life!
We once again on the LORDS Orders... "GET OUT QUICKLY...this is MY PASSOVER & YOURS"
We moved out of HOTEL CONCORD... and the last two nights we slept in our van shielded by the LORD who placed an 18 wheeler that has no driver but a sign for us "WESTWARD EXPRESS"  on it.
You know Billy has been called to bring his prison teaching program westward accross the entire country.

And HE Covered us with fog!  That no one noticed us!  And being traditionally for years folks camp out in parking lots for the sales on THANKSGIVING DAY ONLY!! or BLACK FRIDAY only...
When we entered the all night WalMart for bathroom in the night...
No one has expected anything!
I have spoken to many ST James folks because GOD told me to.  Billy cannot understand why GOD tells us to go to folks that do nothing but condemn us....
GOD expects me to go to whoever HE says in order to test them!   So HE later can hold them accountable!
I was told by GOD that Fr Joe would say no but that I was to ask to sleep in church anyway!
See he offered no other solution!  It is not that we were not allowed to sleep in church that he will be held accountable....  but he offered nothing but support of any kind...only justifications of his busy ....   blaaah blaahs...
GOD said we will experience every criticism, every rejection HIS SON did....  short of crucifixion!  Before HE does whatever HE is going to do!   PRAY FERVENTLY for me!  Billy already today tried to stop me from obeying GOD and said he was going to drive to Florida alone with out me!
He is better now.
We are together at Joyce's  place Diversity Den!  Probably stay here till she closes.
Bless You Both!

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Theresa Isibor &lt;> wrote:
Hope that You ARE Blessed on this Special Occasion...
With Peace, Love and Happiness
Rich & Theresa Davis